
Bist du erfahrene/r Yogi/ni oder neugierig darauf, tief ins Yoga einzutauchen? Workshops vertiefen deine Yogapraxis – du wirst viel Neues kennen lernen und hilfreiche Details für deine Praxis erlernen. Mit spannenden Themen aus der Yogaphilosophie und intensiver Asanapraxis führt Nicole durch die Stunden. 

Workshop in Eltville
21.09. von 11:00 – 13:00 Uhr


… ist eine Tugend, die tiefe Verbindung schafft.
Oftmals sind es die schönen und leichten Momente, bei denen es einfach ist, Dankbarkeit zu empfinden.
Manchmal erkennen wir in der Rückschau, dass auch schwere/re Momente oftmals ein „Turning-Point“ waren und uns – auch wenn es erst „unfreiwillig“ war – unserem Leben einen „Schubs“ in eine Richtung gegeben haben, worüber wir heute froh sind.

Humbleness – oder im Deutschen vielleicht mit „Zartheit des Herzens“ übersetzt – ist vielleicht das, was es braucht, um sowohl Vertrauen als auch Verundenheit zu etablieren.

In dieser Stunde ergründen wir Hüftöffner, Rückbeugen und Vorbeugen – dankbar für das, wohin uns unser Körper einlädt, zu gehen.
Offen für alle Yogis mit ein wenig Vorerfahrung.


Masterclass in Ravensburg

Sonntag 27.10. von 10:30 – 13:00 Uhr

Anmeldung über Yogaraum RV.

KÖLN – 03. Nov 2024

Sonntag 14:00-17:00  Uhr

Dieser Workshop ist extra für Yogis , die eine erfahrene Praxis haben und Zeit haben wollen, in einer langen Stunde Haltungen zu üben, die „man sonst nicht macht“.
In diesen 3 Stunden üben wir Rückbeugen als auch Armbalancen.

Vorkenntnisse mit den Anusara-Bewegungsprinzipien sind hilfreich.

Preis: 45€ bei Anmeldung bis zum 01.10., danach 49€.


Anmeldung erforderlich – bitte schreib eine Mail an:

Ort: Svagatam Yoga – Köln, Nippes


10. + 11. Mai 2025

I am more than HAPPY to have Desirée and Andrew, internationaly recognized yoga teachers, back for a  weekend-workshop. Their depth in the practise of yoga is outstanding. And its just a joy to be around them – they teach with humor and clarity – this is not to be missed.



Working with the Paths of Least and Most Resistance

A weekend workshop with Desirée Rumbaugh and Andrew Rivin

It is a well-known fact that Life will always be offering us challenges. As yoga practitioners, we actively invite this choice every time we step on our mat. There are times when we need to know how to “go with the flow” to skillfully navigate a situation, and there are also times when we need to push back against habits and behaviors that are not in our best interest. 


Desirée and Andrew each have 40 years of yoga experience to share with us in this workshop. In addition to being a certified yoga teacher, Andrew is also an executive leadership coach, working with founders of corporations worldwide. Long time students of both Iyengar and Anusara yoga, they have done the work and have been learning the lessons for a long time. In this workshop they will share from their hard-earned wisdom both on and off the mat. They incorporate concepts they have learned from physical therapy, weight training and yoga to offer an inspiring and well-rounded modern approach to the ancient practice of Yoga.

What you will learn in this workshop:

* Practices you can do every day to increase your own deep core strength and resilience

*Answers to your questions such as “why does this pose cause me pain?”

*The key to better balance, both on and off the mat

*How can this practice bring you more peace of mind out in the “real” world

*Better aligned mind/body awareness and connection to yourself


Saturday 09:30 – 12:00H  The Healthy Flexible Spine: Backbends

Saturday 14:00 – 16:30H Freedom in Your Hips and Lower Back:  Hip Openers and Hamstrings


Sunday 09:30 – 12:00H Neck and Shoulder Strength and Flexibility: Backbends and Simple Inversions

Sunday 13:30 – 16:00H Side to Side and Revolving to Grow: Twists of All Kinds

Location: Tajet Garden, Alteburgerstr. 250, Cologne , no parking in the inner courtyard

Language: ENGLISH! no translation

both days early bird
(payed till Sept 24): 320€
both days payed after Sept 24: 350€
In order to experience the fullness of these teachings and for the most benefit for your whole body, we suggest that you plan to participate in all four classes.
In the event that there are some spaces left, we will open up for single class registration on May 1, 2025.
Saturday only: 200€
Sunday only: 200€

Booking conditions
In case of cancelation:
– you get a refund (except for 15€) till Sept 24
– from Sept 24 till end of January 25 you need to pay 30%
– from Feb till end of March 25 you need to pay 50%
– cancelation after March 31th is not possible
– in any case someone else can to take your space (no cancelation fee)

Desiree Rumbaugh is an internationally recognized yoga teacher. She has earned certifications in Iyengar and Anusara Yoga and is an E-RYT and YACEP with Yoga Alliance. She travels the globe offering workshops and retreats, sharing knowledge she has accumulated over the past three decades of working with students of all ages and levels of experience. She is the co-author of “Fearless After Fifty: How to Thrive With Grace, Grit and Yoga” and the creator of the DVD series “Yoga to the Rescue.” She has online classes available through Tintyoga, Yoga Download, Yoga International, Gaia and OMStars. As of March 2021, she is a Pledge Drive Host for PBS, the Public Broadcasting Service in the USA.

Desiree holds fast to the teaching that Love is Stronger Than Fear. Having navigated personal tragedy, she has relied on the study and practice of Yoga to help her move forward in life with inner strength and courage. Known also for her warmth, authenticity and playful sense of humor, Desiree is a master at delivering the complexity of yoga in a down-to-earth, easily understandable way.

She currently resides in San Miguel de Allende Mexico with her husband, Andrew Rivin.

More about Desirée: